Personal Scoliosis Programs

Free Flow Physical Therapy specializes in the conservative management of scoliosis and kyphosis to patients living in Rockland and Westchester county, and Norther New Jersey.  Treatments are based on the Schroth method, a 3-dimensional muscle training program designed to help people with scoliosis live better lives.

Patients follow a program designed to meet their personal needs using auto-elongation, isometric strengthening and corrective rotational breathing to prevent or decrease curve progression, strengthen the trunk, augment lung capacity, and reduce pain.

Treatment May Include

The Schroth method begins by evaluating the posture

The Schroth method begins by evaluating the posture

Musculoskeletal evaluation • X-ray and postural assessment • Scoliosis education • Postural re-education and proper body mechanics • Customize home exercise

  • Children 10-15 years old with bone and muscle growth imbalance by treatments to correct curvature, bracing, and muscle retraining
  • Teens 13-18 years old with some bone growth and muscle imbalance by treatments to correct improve body image and improve posture
  • Adults with chronic pain due to secondary injury, such as arthritis, by treatments to straighten trunk and prevent worsening of curvature

Exercise Based Approach

Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) according to Barcelona School BSPTS based on Schroth principles have been used to treat thousands039 of patients successfully.  The method uses techniques that work to counteract the spine curve patterns by addressing muscle imbalances and lung capacity. In addition, patients are taught to maintain and integrate these corrected postures in everyday activities.  These specific physical therapy exercises are compatible with the current treatment approach in the US, including adolescent bracing.